Why do individuals participate in protest movements under authoritarian regimes? - A comparative study on the determinants of protest participation in Hong Kong and China

Liang, Fan (2015) Why do individuals participate in protest movements under authoritarian regimes? - A comparative study on the determinants of protest participation in Hong Kong and China. [MSc]

[thumbnail of 2015LiangMScdissertation.pdf] PDF


This essay examines the determinants of protest participation in Hong Kong and
China. Previous studies often focus on the predictors of engagement in democracies
but neglect their effects in authoritarian regimes. This research finds that Hong
Kong and China have different determinants of protest participation. Protesters in
Hong Kong were mainly driven by Internet use, political grievance and political
opportunity, while protest participants in China are motivated by economic
grievance and political opportunity. An interesting finding is that the Internet has no
impact on protest engagement in China, though it has a positive effect in Hong
Kong. This finding challenges previous studies of the Internet and politics, arguing
that the Internet plays a limited role in protest participation in China.

Item Type:Masters Dissertation
Additional Information:Presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of M.Sc. in Political Communication
Keywords:Protest participation, socioeconomic status, Internet use, political and economic grievances, political opportunity
Degree Level:MSc
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Political Sciences > Politics
ID Code:118
Deposited By: Mary Anne Meyering
Supervisor, not known
Deposited On:07 Apr 2016 14:23
Last Modified:07 Apr 2016 14:23

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