The subversive power of voguing: examining the political potential of drag

Pappas, Georgios (2017) The subversive power of voguing: examining the political potential of drag. [MA]

[thumbnail of 2017PappasMAdissertation.pdf] PDF


This paper seeks to assess the extent to which drag can disrupt gender hierarchies. It explores
the key debates among feminist and gender theorists that provide the context for this research.
The research involves five drag artists that perform in Glasgow, Athens, or Cologne. It employs
an ethnographic approach, conducting semi-structured interviews with the participants. It
analyses its findings using a qualitative postmodern approach and presents them in terms of
definitions of gender and drag, performers’ motivations, audiences and performative spaces. It
concludes that the participants’ performances aim to empower femininity and deconstruct
gender hierarchies but their outcome is limited when faced with audiences unwilling to identify
the performance’s political aspects, or in a performative space that does not encourage political

Item Type:Dissertation
Keywords:Drag, gender hierarchies.
Course:Undergraduate Courses > Politics
Degree Level:MA
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Political Sciences > Politics
ID Code:156
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Allison, Dr. Katherine
Deposited On:25 Jul 2017 12:59
Last Modified:28 Jul 2017 12:06

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