The internationalization strategies of the Greek boat manufacturing industry [MBA]

Papanikolaou, Dimitrios (2016) The internationalization strategies of the Greek boat manufacturing industry [MBA]. [UNSPECIFIED]

[thumbnail of 2016Papanikolaou.pdf] PDF


The ability of a firm to involve in an internationalization process is a well discussed topic. The aim of this dissertation is to develop an understanding of the internationalization process of Greek Boats Manufacturers, how and why these firms internationalize. Driven by the gap in current research, the study intends to contribute to internationalization research by providing insightful information and understanding of the nature of the internationalization process of the Greek boat manufacturing industry in both theoretical and empirical aspects. Greek economy faces the most severe economic crisis since the end of the Second World War. The boat manufacturing sector has suffered disproportionately in comparison with other sectors of economy, mostly due the introverted nature of the sector. The steep decline in domestic sales made Greek firms, which previously were focused on domestic market, respond to foreign market opportunities and reconsider their market orientation. Since 2008, when economic crisis broke in Greece, their business strategies have been undergoing radical transformation. In the meanwhile, the free fall in domestic sales resulted in hindering the efforts for international expansion by reducing the financial and non-financial resources. The sector faces great difficulties. Government policies, such as the increase of taxation, and domestic structural deficiencies, have further weakened the firms’ ability to compete internationally. On the other hand, the Greek government seems willing to implement various policies intended to promote national competitiveness. The research intends to provide, first of all, a theoretical contribution as regards the existing entry modes of foreign markets by GBMs, in an attempt to help the GBMs understand how they should design their strategies in order to be successful, and how to take the right and appropriate decisions.

Item Type:Masters Dissertation
Keywords:Boat manufacturing industry, Greece.
Course:Postgraduate Courses > MBA (Master of Business Administration) [MBA]
College/School:College of Social Sciences > Adam Smith Business School > Management
ID Code:169
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Fletcher, Dr. Margaret
Deposited On:04 Aug 2017 07:33
Last Modified:15 Nov 2017 09:59

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