'Swipe left, or right?': a phenomenological exploration of the psychological impacts of Tinder use - the user's experience

Tomlinson, Kerry-Ann (2018) 'Swipe left, or right?': a phenomenological exploration of the psychological impacts of Tinder use - the user's experience. [MSc]

[thumbnail of 2018TomlinsonMSc_dissertation.pdf] PDF


Research into the relationship between Tinder use and psychological well-being is critically limited. Thus, this study sought to explore the phenomenological experiences of using Tinder by interviewing eight postgraduate students. The main interest of the study was to explore the potential impact of Tinder use on psychological well-being. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate how self-presentation strategies used by participants on Tinder may impact well-being. The data was analysed using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. Results suggest that Tinder has both positive and negative psychological implications for participants. Tinder appears to afford increased control over romantic interactions, provides a secure environment for exploration of the self and positive evaluation from other users appears to validate participant's sense of worth. On the other hand, Tinder use seems to lead participants to question their sense of self-worth and appears to lower self-esteem. Results also imply that engaging in inauthentic self-presentation leads to psychological discomfort. The novel use of Ryff's (1989) six-factor model of psychological well-being and Higgin's (1987) social discrepancy theory were applied to explain the findings. Suggestions are made for both theories to better comprehend Tinder use, self-presentation and the impact on well-being. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed. Further research is encouraged into this important new area of investigation.

Item Type:Masters Dissertation
Keywords:Tinder, psychological well-being, IPA.
Course:Postgraduate Courses > Psychological Studies (conversion) [MSc]
Degree Level:MSc
College/School:College of Science and Engineering > School of Psychology
College of Social Sciences > School of Education
ID Code:458
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Elliot, Dr. Dely
Deposited On:19 Dec 2019 12:17
Last Modified:19 Dec 2019 12:21

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