What effect does the implementation of reading comprehension strategies have on pupil understanding of unfamiliar topics in S2 Modern Studies?

McGinley, Colette (2020) What effect does the implementation of reading comprehension strategies have on pupil understanding of unfamiliar topics in S2 Modern Studies? [MEd]

[thumbnail of 2020McGinleyMEd_dissertation.pdf] PDF


It is not yet clear what impact COVID-19 school closures (March-June 2020) have had on the widening attainment gap within the Scottish education system. Through continuous reflection on and improvement of their professional practice, teachers can help ensure ‘excellence’ and ‘equity’ for all and provide valid insights and contributions to wider educational change.
This research looks at the proposed implementation of the reading comprehension strategies ‘guided reading’ and ‘paired reading’ as a means to support literacy attainment and reading instruction in S2 Modern Studies. The data collection methods pre/post-test, observation and questionnaires are analysed and justified within the context of a mixed methods, action research approach to professional enquiry. Findings from the literature expose the need to develop pupil’s metacognition and self-regulation so that all pupils, regardless of social background can be successful in their learning across the curriculum.

Item Type:Masters Dissertation
Keywords:Scottish education, S2 Modern Studies, reading comprehension strategies, guided reading, paired reading, Covid-19.
Course:Postgraduate Courses > Educational Studies [MEd]
Degree Level:MEd
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Education
ID Code:494
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Supervisor, not known
Deposited On:03 Dec 2020 08:18
Last Modified:10 May 2021 12:55

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