Tackling educational inequity through collaborative approaches: exploring empirical cases and reflecting on some insights for the Brazilian reality

Dourado, Caroline Berlese Mello (2023) Tackling educational inequity through collaborative approaches: exploring empirical cases and reflecting on some insights for the Brazilian reality. [MSc]

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Traditional reforms in education have not been contributing to better quality and equity. In this scenario, collaborative approaches have emerged as alternative paths for educational improvement. There is evidence showing that cooperation and sharing of knowledge and resources can enhance the outcomes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds in a sustainable way. This study aims to answer whether these collaborative approaches can effectively contribute to a more equitable educational system, and what are the conditions and barriers when implementing it. Through a systematic literature review methodology, twenty empirical cases of educational systems that applied collaborative approaches are analysed. The findings indicated positive outcomes in terms of equity in education through collaborative approaches. The implementation of these approaches requires conditions related to school culture, the goal-setting process, institutional capacity, and context-based initiatives. Barriers that might be faced are associated with a lack of resources, power imbalances, resistances, and deficit mindsets, among others. Recommendations to reduce the opportunity and achievement gap in Brazilian education are made in three major areas: policy, research, and practice. The conclusion reinforces the importance of policymakers, politicians, researchers, and practitioners giving more attention to collaborative approaches in education in Brazil.

Item Type:Masters Dissertation
Keywords:Brazil, education, inequity, gap, equity.
Course:Postgraduate Courses > Education, Public Policy & Equity [MSc]
Degree Level:MSc
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Education
ID Code:571
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Valiente, Professor Oscar
Deposited On:12 Dec 2023 12:17
Last Modified:12 Dec 2023 12:46

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