The EU's conceptualisation of the trade-development nexus: 'Subordinating development to commercial imperatives' post-crisis?

Godfrey, Kathryn (2015) The EU's conceptualisation of the trade-development nexus: 'Subordinating development to commercial imperatives' post-crisis? [Undergraduate Degree]

[thumbnail of 2015GodfreyUGDissertation.pdf] PDF


The trade-development nexus is the crossing point where trade policy is examined for its
effects on development. Often it appears as a paradox between greater emphases on trade as a
tool for development or, trade policy initiatives which have adverse development
consequences. This dissertation seeks to determine whether the EU’s conceptualisation of the
trade-development nexus has altered as a consequence of economic crisis. It postulates that
the EU conceives the trade-development nexus as a means by which to promote its own trade
objectives, in an attempt at economic recovery post-crisis, in a relationship of mutual benefit
to simultaneously promoting third country development. Concomitant to this, the study
acknowledges that the EU’s development policy consists of greater trade-oriented growth
strategies post-crisis and that the trade agenda employs policies that are mutually beneficial
which is taken as demonstrative of the EU’s conceptual change that views trade as a
propellant of development for both third countries and itself.

Item Type:Dissertation
Keywords:trade development
Degree Level:Undergraduate Degree
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Social and Political Sciences > Politics
ID Code:7
Deposited By: Mrs Marie Cairney
Postnikov, Dr. Evgeny
Deposited On:07 Sep 2015 12:30
Last Modified:05 Nov 2015 16:38

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